domain registrar

I would like to recommend this registrar to everyone because I have been its happy customer for several years, and because the word of mouth like this post is their only promotional channel (they don't spend money on advertising). does what it's supposed to do and doesn't do what you don't expect from it, fully confirming to its official slogan "no bullshit". This is especially visible for me in the contrast to godaddy which I left several years ago because of aggressive upselling. This is an effective selling technique, but it drove me mad.

I have yet another reason to write about Gandi: free domains .EU and .FR which I won in the lottery celebrating 15th anniversary of the registrar. Also I have a 50% discount for domains .BEER .SURF .VODKA .HORSE. I don't have a use for any of these, but I guess you might need them. Feel free to ask :)

Artemy Tregubenko,
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